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Arabian Travelers Meeting For Sustainable Tourism

Welcome to
Nomades Expo For Eco tourism 2023

Nomades expo 2023 is a good opportunity for travelers around the world to share their experience and raising awareness of the importance of sustainable tourism and Make optimal use of environmental resources that constitute a key element in tourism development, maintaining essential ecological processes and helping to conserve natural heritage and biodiversity.


Hotel Royal Karthago Resort & Thalasso


From 23 to 26 February 2023

Nomades expo

The importance of community engagement in facilitating economic social and environmental sustainability,respect the socio-cultural authenticity of host communities, conserve their built and living cultural heritage and traditional values and contribute to inter-cultural understanding and tolerance and ensure viable, long-term economic operations, providing socio-economic benefits to all stakeholders

Todays Performers

Chokri Saidi

Organizer Of Nomadesexpo

Bouraoui Rgaya

The greatest traveler in Tunisia and in the Arab world

Moez Kacem

vice president of AMFORHT (UNWTO affiliate member)

Beki Ksri

aventures seeker international traveler 2,7m sur Instagram 1,6m sur youtube

Joyce Azzam

The first Lebanese woman and 3rd Arab woman to have climbed the 7 summits of the world. The highest peak in every continent

Tahar Manai

Is the 1er tunisian mountaineer and the 1 er french firefighter to have climbed the summit of everest

Zaza Filmmaker

International traveler +300k followers on the internet

Amin Sahraoui

Content Creator & Influencer in Dubai International traveler

Dalee Outdoors

Camper +120k followers on the internet

Mohamed Choukani

International traveler ,Street Food Tours +200k followers on the internet

Amal Merchaoui

Tunisian, International traveler +200k followers on the internet


Tunisian Backpackers Facebook 215.4K & Instagram 102K

Pola Salem

International traveler , Instagram 525k & Facebook 322K

Ahmed El Badawy

International traveler +900k followers on the internet

Zombo Miloud

International traveler & A Traveler Around Africa

Mohamed El Afify

Egyptien traveler Instagram 127K & Video maker

Slimane Meddour

Young creator of tourism content, graduated in tourism and voted best creator of tourism content in Africa 2021

Kasem Hato

International traveled to 70 country Facebook 2.5M & Instagram 747K

Just Travel Adnan

International traveler expert


International traveler Facebook 1M

Agizy traveller

International traveler , Instagram 427K

Hassen Gharmoul

Hiking & Camping +100k followers on the internet

Taher Travels

Adventurer and traveler around the world +300k followers on the internet

Ahmed haj traverliste

Artist International traveler

Mahmoud Ontheborders

Content creator and influencer in France International traveler

Kamel kbz

Comedian and traveler 1.4M followers in Instagram

Jamel Ayoubi

Kuwaiti traveler in the deserts of Africa Instagram 70K

Fahmi Selmi

International traveler

Mohamed ghwari

traveler and content creator

with the smile

traveler and content creator

Susu Inwanderland

Suhir Alsamman traveler to 166 countries ,life style and adventure 704K


Official media partner :

They talk about us


Nomades expo

Sustainable tourism aims to arise the impacts when it brings about changes in value systems and behaviour and thereby threatens indigenous identity. Furthermore, changes often occur in community structure, family relationships, collective traditional life styles, ceremonies and morality. But tourism can also generate positive impacts as it can serve as a supportive force for peace, foster pride in cultural traditions and help avoid urban relocation by creating local jobs.
Reach us

Royal Karthago Resort & Thalasso

  • Time
  • How to get there

Royal Karthago Resort & Thalasso

Zone Touristique, Aghir Djerba, Madanin, Tunisia 4116 Djerba, 4116

We Are Always at The Forefront
of The Business Conference !

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